Blake's Tarot Liberty Card » by Mary K. Greer)

I spent most of the second half of January writing an essay on the concept of sin, its meaning and its implications.

Actually, this is a matter that has been hovering in and out of my mind since the end of July 2011, but I guess I wasn't ready to tackle it until recently.

Originally, I thought it would take the form of a blog post, albeit a longer than usual one. However, I quickly discovered that I had a lot to say on the subject, and I ultimately ended up writing a 50-page eBook.

The essay is finally ready, so it is with pleasure that I'm sharing it with you. You can read it via the embedded widget above, or if you follow the link you can also download for free.

In publishing this document, I don't aim to convert nor to convince, but I attempt to share knowledge I have acquired along my journey. I hope it will be of aid to some of those who will consider it.

The description follows below. Have a pleasant reading !


Growing up is hard work. As we architect our lives, responding to the requirements of our path is demanding enough as it is without having to address additional annoyances that get in the way of our personal development. Still, what if all those irritations were actually the results of our own errors, and as such as many clues inviting us to reform and to regain the itinerary we have selected for ourselves ?

On the Meaning of Sin proposes a different take on the mechanics of sin and rebirth in hell, coming from the perspective of an unorthodox trajectory in the worlds of arts, science, and Oriental philosophy.

In this alternative view, the cosmos provides a course-correction mechanism wherein whenever we miss the mark, we are redirected towards the enjoyment of tranquil progress towards our goals. It supplies a metaphor facilitating the elimination of error, and thus benevolently assists and fosters the achievement of our objectives, allowing us to cultivate a gradually less corrupt mind that gives rise to increasingly satisfying hereafters, in an ever refining continuum.

Any individual can attain liberation, or elimination of error, at any time, and so can society as a whole.

Heaven truly exists, and it is constantly beckoning us towards it.

Views: 8

Tags: Heaven, anger, awareness, consciousness, cosmos, course-correction, deterrents, elimination, error, essay, More…folly, greed, hamartia, hell, liberation, mark, mechanism, metanoia, missing, of, redirection, repentance, setbacks, sin, the


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